Growing your own food is always an exciting experience. Unfortunately, it can also be quite stressful. The process of nurturing your tiny seedling into a mature...
Adding on to your home is a great way to add space for a growing family, and increases the value of your property, while making it nicer to live in. However, re...
Design Joburg Collective’s debut in Kramerville this June was proof enough that this innovative new approach to satiating the appetites of décor and design devo...
Hailing from the mountains of Lebanon and Syria this dish ticks all the boxes when it comes to fabulous fresh flavours.
¼ cup bulgur wheat
Indoor plants
• Zygocactus. Their luminescent flowers contrast their succulent leaves strikingly.
• Streptocarpus is a classic. Easy to grow, and flower colou...
Architect and writer Mary Anne Constable reminisces over the benefits and delights of indoor-outdoor spaces.
The house I grew up in in suburban Johannesburg ...