If you don’t have green fingers make succulents your go-to plants. They’re hardy, water wise and definitely on trend. Here are 7 succulents anyone can grow.

More like “succulents anyone can grow”: An easy way to propagate succulents

Jelly bean plant (Sedum pachyphyllum)

succulents anyone can grow


Plant these succulents in tricky areas of your garden, they need very little care and attention.

Zebra plant (Haworthia attenuata)


Zebra Plants are perfect for indoors and work well on windowsills as they like sun and bright light.

SEE ALSO: the ultimate guide to gardening with succulents

Porkbush / Spekboom (Portulacaria afra)


Porkbush, or spekboom, is an easy to grow shrub that absorbs carbon.

Echeveria ‘Raindrops’


Single blue-green bumps in the centre of each leaf resemble water droplets give this plant its name. It thrives in full or partial sunlight. Watch the lowermost leaves for signs of drying and then water them.

Jade Plant (Crassula ovata)


crassula - 7 succulents anyone can grow

The jade plant isn’t quite as drought tolerant as other succulent species. Keep the soil moist – not wet – during its growing season (spring and summer) and drier during winter.

Learn more about medicinal uses of succulents here.

Aeonium haworthii ‘Tricolor’­­­­­­

Aeoniums love sun, but will grow in partial shade. Beautifully coloured, yellow flowers appear in summer. They don’t like very hot or dry weather.

Aloinopsis vitelli


succulents anyone can grow

With its unusual shape, this little succulent will flower in winter if it receives good light (direct sunlight is best).


  1. Rather give plants too little water than too much.
  2. During winter, water only enough to keep the leaves from shrivelling. The most common reason for succulents dying is overwatering.
  3. If the leaves appear limp, weak and shrivelled, the plant is receiving too much water. Avoid overwatering by allowing the soil to out completely before watering again.
  4. Never let water lie in the rosette of a succulent as this can cause rot and fungal diseases.
  5. Place in bright light rather than deep shade.
  6. Feed when the plants are in flower.
  7. Use unglazed pots that allow excess moisture to evaporate.
  8. Ensure that the container has wide drainage holes in the bottom.