Bacon-wrapped butternut
Bacon wrapped butternut is a quick, easy, and tasty dish to serve up for your next gathering. It's sure to be a favourite amongst guest...
Roast rack of lamb with a rosemary and mustard crust served with slow-roasted farm-style vegetables
Elegant, delicious, and wonderfully tender. You can't bea...
Grilled strawberry and biltong salad
COOK TIME: 10 min | SERVES 4
This super-easy, mouth-watering grilled strawberry and biltong salad is extracted from...
It's still the time of year meant for chilling by the pool, and throwing some chops on the coals. Here are 8 delicious salad ideas for a summertime braai.
Summer is the time of al fresco dining and entertaining, especially for South Africans. We practically live outdoors over the festive season, entertaining frien...
Watermelon and vodka ices
PREP TIME: 15 mins + extra for setting | SERVES 8
Arguably the most refreshing of fruits for lazy summer afternoons, watermelon pa...
Sparkling rosé and strawberry ice lolly cocktails
HANDS-ON TIME 10 min | TOTAL TIME 6 hr 10min | SERVES 8
These sparkling rosé and strawberry ice lolly cockta...
Chocolate Milkshake
A deliciously decadent chocolate milkshake recipe that's quick and easy to make at home - even better than a restaurant.
PREP TIME: 5 mi...
Avocados have become kitchen essentials recently, used on everything from health bowls to burgers. But nothing beats one of the most classic uses for these frui...