From a snake plant to a fiddle leaf, the bigger the plant, the better the space - well, at least aesthetically. As a millennial, I have about 20 plants in my lo...
For veggie lovers or avid home cooks, choosing what to grow is an arduous process. You may want to grow everything, but it is usually better to whittle down you...
Have you longed for your very own bathroom jungle oasis? Do you end up assassinating every poor plant that crosses your threshold? Don’t worry, there is hope.
Indoor plants provide a lot more than living beauty.
A little too chilly to head out into the garden, but miss pottering around among your plants? Indoor gar...
Calatheas are the new houseplant must-have. With so many stunning varieties, its not hard to see why.
Calathea orbifolia
Calathea orbifolia is the most po...