There are questions every shopper ponders when strolling through their local plant store:
Will I kill this plant?
Will it be fussy and uncontrollable?
Will i...
Trees are the backbone of many South African gardens. These towering features provide shade, clean our air, and support essential wildlife like birds. Those wit...
Hanging houseplants are an often-underutilised urban garden design element. Making use of areas that would be otherwise empty, they immediately make your home f...
Aside from making your home look fabulous with its beautiful flowers and lush greenery, indoor plants serve one very important purpose. They actually remove car...
There are about 450 philodendron varieties that hail from the rainforests of tropical areas around the world. Most are known for being a combination of climbing...
Having a fern in your front parlour goes back to Victorian times when explorers started to bring unusual plants back to England from the tropics. Always popular...
Owning indoor plants is the simplest way to bring nature's ambiance into your home.
Big or small, your space is just perfect to start you on your plant-paren...
Winter can be as hard on indoor plants as it is on outdoor plants. You need to take a few precautions to ensure that your house plants survive the colder season....
Indoor plants provide a lot more than living beauty.
A little too chilly to head out into the garden, but miss pottering around among your plants? Indoor gar...