A rare chance to trespass without consequence. Noordhoek Open Gardens is an annual event that allows locals to stroll through gardens in private homes. It’s an ...
Given the title of Colour of the Year by the Garden Trends Report, terracotta is bound to be seen everywhere in 2023. Luckily for gardeners, this 60s and 70s th...
Spring is in the air and most of us usually take this time to do our “Spring Cleaning” in and around our homes. This can be done quickly and easily by using the...
Interest in Moon Gardening, also known as Lunar Phase Gardening, is on the rise. Online searches in the practice have increased and are predicted to peak next y...
A spongy, lightweight natural resource, peat moss has been used in the gardening world since the 1940s. Gardeners value peat moss for its ability to retain mois...
If you have limited outdoor space or none at all, but still want to grow and eat your own food, try growing microgreens indoors. These shoots are easy to grow a...
What kind of plant parent are you? This is important to figure out before you start your collection inspired by Tiktok, or you can't seem to keep your current p...
The online programme for this year’s art, food and outdoor extravaganza - Garden Town Stellenbosch - has gone live! South Africa’s favourite City of Oaks is all...
Heirloom tomatoes look beautiful, taste amazing, and encourage the preservation of genetic diversity. They taste much better than standard tomatoes, too. In fac...
Philodendrons are some of the most common houseplants around, thanks to their love of tropical climates and by extension, indoor conditions. Among the many Phil...