“My food is usually prepared just up to the final stages so that I have time to spend with my family and friends when I entertain,” says Chrislene Retief, owner of the trendy boutique Spaces (



  • 1 Swiss roll, home-made or from your supermarket, cut into circles
  • 1 tin condensed milk
  • 350g cream cheese
  • 80ml freshly-squeezed lemon juice
  • 12 home-made or bought preserved guavas (one per person)
  • 25ml custard powder
  • thin cream, to serve


1. Cover the bottom of a flat dish with the Swiss roll circles.
2. Mix the condensed milk, cream cheese and lemon juice together and spread over the Swiss roll circles.
3. Drain the guavas from the syrup and bring the syrup to the boil, adding the custard powder to thicken it.
4. Cut the guavas into smaller pieces (if desired) and combine with the thickened syrup. Leave to cool.
5. Place the guavas over the cheese mixture on top of the Swiss roll circles.
6. Refrigerate for at least 4 hours. Cut into squares and serve topped with thin cream.

This recipe serves 10.