"When I entertain, I love to serve relaxed, home-style dishes that are simple to prepare," says Cape Town caterer Kate George of The Food Room (083 700 5859)...
There’s no such thing as too many cooks in the kitchen when medical specialists Duane Blaauw and Eftyhia Vardas entertain. From deciding what dishes to serve to pairing the wines, it’s a team effort all the way. They share their menu for a gourmet brunch...
Brothers-in-law Rodger Gilson and Johan Billman have perfected the art of making their own shiraz, Rohan Roi (rohanroi.co.za) – in a converted pigeon coop in Pretoria! While both have a passion for food, Johan is also a chef and owner of Van Wouw Catering (083 651 4235)...
Caterer Bertha Chibale of Hearts and Tarts (021 671 6262) has put together a summer lunch menu featuring her favourite ingredient, fresh Norwegian salmon...
One of the perks of running Grand Dedale Country House (granddedale.com) is that Angelo and Tina Casu can delight their friends with the new dishes they’ve picked up from their chefs...
Born and bred on a sheep farm in the heartland of the Karoo, Sonja De Beer of Sonja's Foods (sonjasfoods.co.za) believes that a great meal starts with quality ingredients...
Owner of the coffee shop La Petite Tarte (021 425 9077), Cristiana Bosini draws inspiration for her entertaining menus from the years she spent living in Italy, Greece and France...
Mariëtte Coetzee of Coco Bella (cocobella.co.za), a Cape patisserie, tends to over cater when she entertains. But it's just as well because with such delicious fare on offer who could resist a second helping?...