One might think that gardening tasks can wait until the weather warms up during spring. There are plenty of gardening tasks to be done during the winter season. Prepare the garden for the cold months ahead.

Here is our winter garden checklist.

Your winter garden checklist

The cold season is always a good time for maintenance on your garden. This winter check if your garden will be properly cared for during the cold season. Do you have a to-do list for a successful garden?

Gardener doing a checklist of his garden

Image Credit: Unsplash

Prune trees

Some parts of the country experience dry winters. It is ideal for pruning trees. With leaves falling off trees, dead, diseased, or damaged branches are more visible. This allows you to prune while the tree is in its dormancy state.

This way you are not cutting away new growth. Some trees may require light pruning while others require severe pruning. With good pruning, you want to encourage good healthy blooms in time for spring. 

Young Woman in , Pruning Trees in winter sunset

Image Credit: Unsplash

Clean bird feeders

If your garden blooms with wildlife. It is key to clean your bird feeders to encourage more birds in your garden. Some birds do not migrate during winter, so it would be beneficial to clean your bird feeder.

Fill your bird feeder with seeds high in calories so they can digest and convert into energy. Bird feeders are to be kept clean every 4 weeks to maintain them. 

Inspect weeds

Inspect your garden, and planting beds for weeds that pop up over the winter. Some weeds keep growing despite the cold. You can pull them out by hand while they are still small. Add mulch to keep them away. 

Mature woman preparing raised bed by adding mulch to prevent weeds

Image Credit: Unsplash

Prep your irrigation system

To prevent water damage from freezing, remember to drain the pipes before shutting down the irrigation system for the winter. Make sure to cover any exposed pipes to prevent rust or freezing. Also, store your garden hose indoors to avoid damage.

Keep your garden tool in a storage

It’s time to clean up your favourite gardening tools for storage. As you won’t be using many of your garden tools, it is vital to store the unused ones.

Clean and disinfect your trowels, hand pruners, shovels, chainsaws and trimmers. Add some garden coat oil to them to prevent potential rust. 

Gardening tools with white background

Image Credit: Unsplash

Before settling into the cold weather, be sure to complete the checklist above. Your garden tools will be in good condition for the next bloom of plants.


Choose the perfect birdfeeder: top picks for beautiful birdfeeders

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