Evergreen shrubs are truly a special sight, with their fresh green leaves, their shapes and leaves stop the garden from looking bare. Evergreen shrubs keeping their leaves all year round are a must and are a garden’s backbone.
Griselinia Shrubs
Griselinia shrubs are evergreen shrubs with attractive green leaves and are native to New Zealand. Commonly known as New Zealand Privet, these shrubs can be grown against a wall or used to create an evergreen hedge, making them an excellent choice for dividing yards. One of the benefits of Griselinia is its ability to thrive in various conditions, from full sun to partial shade. Although they can be planted year-round, they grow particularly well in spring and autumn.

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Pittosporum shrubs
They are versatile evergreen shrubs that are grown for their neat, attractive leaves. The Pittosporum shrub makes a good garden plant because it is easy to grow and can either grow in full sun or semi-shade. Their showy flowering can vary from location to location, depending on the weather of that area. Many wildlife browse the leaves making it a great addition to your garden.

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One of the most famous evergreens because of their versatility and ability to be grown in all kinds of gardens. Lavenders can show a range of beautiful coloured foliage from grey-green to pink and purple bee-friendly flowers. They make a great addition to winter shrubs because of how drought-tolerant they are.
Buxus sempervirens
Commonly known as the box or common box, this evergreen shrub with small leaves is native to Southern Europe. The fresh evergreen leaves of the box bring a freshness to the garden all year round. Gardeners usually clip it into different shapes such as balls, cones and spirals. This shrub is Low maintenance, with an occasional fresh trim to keep it proper.

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Bamboos are great evergreen shrubs for an urban garden, as well as for a tropical planting scheme garden. These shrubs do best in a sunny spot and well-drained soil and might need more water to maintain their evergreen leaves during the warmer months. Bamboo sways beautifully in the summer breeze, creating a melodic calmness in your little shrub garden.

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When planting shrubs you should leave enough room in between for how wide they will be at maturity. Some shrubs will need to be trimmed up every other month to maintain their beauty and keep your garden standard.
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