You may think ground covers are just forgettable in your garden, that they are just there to fill in the gaps. Ground cover plants are the gift that keeps giving and providing benefits to your garden floor. These few ground cover plants are practical and pretty, fitting just in with your garden.
Choosing the best ground covers
Having ground cover plants in your garden creates a beautiful backdrop for any garden. When thinking of ground covers for your garden, think of simple, easy-to-grow and carefree plants.
Creeping Phlox
An excellent ground cover that develops flowers that bring in the pollinators. Creeping phlox has evergreen leaves that are deeply green, oval and pointed at the tips. The plants’ blooming flowers arrive in spring with deeply purple petals with a yellow-orange centre, brightening up the surface of your garden.

Image Credit: Unsplash
Candytuft flowers
One of the earliest blooming plants during the spring growing season. Candytuft is this evergreen perennial ground cover that spreads fairly fast, scrambling and climbing over rocky sites. When you grow Candytuft flowers, keep in mind their growing conditions as they need well-draining soil and full sun. Many pollinators enjoy the nectar of the flowers of these ground-cover plants when they start blooming during spring.
Drought tolerant and hardy, bearberry ground cover plants are a suitable option for ground cover. A great choice as they support wildlife since their berries provide food for many small birds. Easily distinguishable by their glossy evergreen leaves producing strong red berries during the growing spring season.
These hardy evergreen ground covers are a great choice for a front-of-a-border cover. They emit a strong delightful fragrance that attracts bees and other pollinating insects. Just grow them in well-drained soil with ample sunlight and watch them take over your garden with their purple bright leaves.

Image Credit: Pexels
Feature image: Unsplash