Ylang-ylang, also known as Cananga odorata, is a tropical tree that that has been treasured for its medicinal and calming effects. It is most popularly used in essential oils, extracted from its flower, which has a strong floral scent. Which also make it a wonder in the perfume and aromatherapy industry, it is has earned the name Queen of Perfumes. Having this magnificent tree in your home ensures that your garden has a calming sweet aroma, making it a pleasant sanctuary.


Why Grow Ylang-Ylang

The Ylang-ylang tree is from the custard apple family. It is a fast growing tree which growing tree which grows about 5 metres every year. With its broad, glossy leaves and clusters of star-shaped flowers, the ylang-ylang tree is a visual delight, adding both beauty and fragrance to your surroundings. This magnificent tree is marvel for any front yard, back yard garden or lawn as it creates a necessary shade in any garden or lawn. The shade it provides allows for families and individuals to have whole picnics under the tree during sunny spring and summer days.


How to Care for Ylang-ylang

Ylang-ylang thrives in slightly acidic to neutral soil. To properly water your ylang ylang, adjust the frequency based on the season. During spring and fall, water every 2 weeks if there is insufficient rainfall. In summer, water more frequently as this is when the plant’s water needs are highest. Conversely, in winter when growth slows down, water sparingly or not at all. For young or newly planted ylang ylang, increase watering frequency to aid in establishment. For potted ylang ylang, consider either a predetermined watering schedule of once a week or once every other week, or base watering on soil moisture by waiting for the top two to four inches of soil to dry out before watering again


Benefits of Ylang-Ylang

According to research ylang-ylang’s aroma has be recognized to contain multiple medicinal properties. Scientific research supports its use in aromatherapy, where it is known to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and alleviate symptoms of depression. The oil is also praised for its potential to improve skin health, offering anti-inflammatory and antiseptic benefits when applied topically.

Whether you want ylang-ylang tree as an essential addition to your garden or aromatic shade to your lawn. Its benefits and fragrant allure will surely be a serene addition to your home.


Easy medicinal plants and herbs to grow in your garden

Featured image: Pixabay