Winter is fast approaching, and as the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, you might find yourself wondering if your plant watering routine needs a twea...
Gardening is a great activity for kids as children naturally enjoy playing outside and getting dirty.
It can be a new bonding experience for parents and kids...
Having a water-efficient garden is becoming a necessity for our sustainability efforts.
We’ve all become a lot more water-conscious as we’re faced with the i...
May is Africa Month and we want to invite Africa into our lives.
What better way to celebrate than to invite more African art and textiles into our homes?
Not sure what to grow in your garden as the winter months creep in?
With just a little extra care and useful tips, you’ll be able to keep your garden flouris...
DID YOU KNOW: Basil is a member of the mint family and is sometimes referred to as the 'royal herb'.
And we couldn't agree more.
There are added benefits...
It’s May, which means we are nearing the end of autumn, and we’re only a few days away from winter’s chilly embrace.
Autumn is usually a pleasant season in ...
With so many beautiful South African plants to choose from, it’s easy to fill your garden with everything indigenous and boast a truly African space.
The shift away from outdoor play towards screen time can have detrimental impacts on child development, a problem that’s been dubbed ‘nature deficit disorder.'