Are you going away for the holidays or planning a staycation? We've got you covered with a few tips and tricks to keep your precious plants standing tall while ...
Many look forward to the holiday season with its culmination of relaxation, celebration and togetherness. But sometimes that togetherness is a little less “toge...
Creating your own oasis isn’t as challenging as it seems when living in a concrete jungle. With a few tips and tricks, you can grow and create your own urban ga...
It's disheartening to see our lovingly tended edible plants die because of lack of water. But with some simple techniques, this doesn't have to be the case.
Unpleasant odours wafting through your home can be a real mood-dampener, and oftentimes, the culprit is lurking right beneath your feet – in your drains. Foul d...
As the garden season reaches its zenith, the anticipation of harvesting homegrown vegetables fills the air. Among the verdant offerings of the garden, cabbage s...
Water-wise plants are not only eco-friendly, but they can also add unique textures and colours to South African gardens.
Explore 5 water-wise plants to add to ...
Succulents, those charming and resilient plants hailing from arid regions, have surged in popularity as trendy additions to both indoor and outdoor spaces. Thei...
In the ever-evolving world of home gardening, the prospect of cultivating your own fruits indoors is both exciting and rewarding. Imagine plucking fresh lemons,...