Using colour in your garden is a great way to elevate your outdoor space and we're not just talking about adding colourful blooms. Garden and decor enthusiast, ...
Hydrangea blossoms are a spectacular addition to any garden, with their vibrant array of colours from blues and reds to purples, whites, and light greens. If yo...
Potatoes are generous plants. They are easy to grow and produce abundant harvests. Give them the necessary nutrients they need and you may be well on your way t...
Begonias, with their vibrant hues and intricate blooms, are a delightful addition to any garden. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or just starting out, culti...
Although commonly associated with the outside, ivy plants also feel at home, indoors. There are several indoor ivy variations to choose from. When deciding to g...
Grouping items and keeping similar items together makes the space easier to manage. Divide your pantry into zones to keep your food organised. This will help to...
Adding houseplants to a room can elevate any space, and adding plants to your kitchen is a great way to add a touch of nature while having some practical benefi...
Soil serves as the literal and biological foundation for every garden, providing crucial nutrients, structure, and moisture retention for optimal plant growth. ...
Perfect for hanging planters or high-up shelves. These elongated houseplant vines varieties come in all shapes, and sizes and add texture and they add drama to ...
The idea of bringing the beauty of nature indoors is never a bad one considering the myriad benefits of having indoor plants. But while the idea of cultivating ...