The Begonia Rex plant is a spectacular perennial plant famous for its variation of colourful leaves. Typically used as houseplants, these colourful plants can reach a height of eight to 12 inches, perfect for every home. Here is everything you need to know about the Begonia plant.
Caring and growing your Begonia Rex
Since the rex begonias are typically grown as indoor houseplants it can be challenging to find just the right conditions for their growth.
They are too easy-grown houseplants if you can give them their preferred conditions which is bright, indirect light. Too much shade hinders the growth of your plant. Their thick stems help in retaining moisture when needed.

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To ensure your plant has healthy soil, it is better to keep the soil slightly drier. However, never let the soil completely dry out, as this can quickly spell death for your plant. Making sure your soil is not completely dry will cause your Begonia rex to wilt.
The Begonia Rex likes conditions with high humidity. The plant will grow larger when the humidity is higher, making it even more healthy. With the harsh autumn/winter months coming aim to increase the humidity by using a humidifier or placing the plant in a naturally humid place, like the bathroom.
During their growing season, these houseplants benefit dearly from a constant supply of a well-balanced maybe once a week. However, when it’s towards the end of the growing season, the plant will slow in growth, so ceasing fertilizing your plants to avoid overfeeding them.

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Fun facts about the Begonia Rex plant
- Native to the Tropics (They are native to the lush tropical regions with humid environments)
- Variation of Leaf Shapes ( One of the unique features of Begonia Rex is its diverse leaf shapes)
- Low-Maintenance Houseplant ( Good low-maintenance plants, ideal for both beginners and experienced plant enthusiasts)
- Easy to Propagate
- Natural Humidifier

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With the right conditions and care, your Begonia Rex will thrive, whilst making sure your air quality is purified.
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