Having perennials in your garden is always a good idea, but having summer-blooming perennials is even better. These continuous summer blooming perennials are an...
One of the most comforting aspects of gardening is seeing your plants keep their colour throughout the season. Some plants don’t get to do that but these evergr...
We all know the summer holidays are the perfect time to get your kids outdoors and active. What better place to keep them active than in your garden? The garden...
As temperatures start to rise and the sun begins to shine brighter, it's time to prepare your garden space for those lazy summer days. Whether you have a big ga...
The quiver tree, scientifically known as the Aloidendron dichotomum, is an ancient tree from the southern African region. The quiver tree was used by bushmen an...
Shrubs are known to provide structure and offer privacy from your neighbours. Although shrubs come in a variety of different vivid flowers, white flowering shru...
While all flowers are beautiful, some flowers are unique and eye-catching. Flower bulbs that are intricate and eye-catching give the gardener something to look ...
These evergreen tropical native plants are one of the most interesting plants to cultivate for your garden. Here's everything you need to know about the success...
A lot of work goes into planning a garden, before you ever get near the soil there is designing the layout and figuring out where the sunny parts of your garden...
If you are considering adding a monstera as a houseplant, explore the various types available.
Monsteras have become very popular houseplants over the last f...