It offers a great contrast when planted against greenery or other colourful flowers. White blooming flowers have a sense of elegance to them. Some provide magni...
Beginner gardeners may not be aware of this, but the right type of mulch helps keep your plants healthier. There are a lot of mulch types to choose from, and al...
Invasive plant species are widely considered a major threat to the biodiversity of the area, affecting the livelihoods of the animals around.
Agricultural p...
No one is safe from the impacts of the climate crisis. The impacts can sometimes affect many gardens, hindering the wildlife ecosystem in the garden. These impa...
Most homeowners prefer artificial grass because of its low maintenance ability. Remaining healthy and presentable longer than natural grass. There are maintenan...
Consider filling your empty garden patches that consistently need weeding maintenance with flowering groundcovers. Flowering groundcovers bring colour to any ga...
Tall trees serve as magnificent and robust windbreaks, providing essential protection for hedges and privacy screens in any garden.
They act as formidable b...
Alternanthera purple prince (alternanthera brasiliana) family of the Amaranthaceae genus also known as little ruby, is popular for its interestingly striking bu...
If you want to be cost effective then building your own raised garden beds is the way to go.
If you have a small garden then with these simple steps you can...
You may think ground covers are just forgettable in your garden, that they are just there to fill in the gaps. Ground cover plants are the gift that keeps givin...