With a gorgeous colour range from rich blue, mauve, shades of pale blue, pink and white, the rounded nostalgic shape of hydrangeas (Hydrangea macrophylla) never fails to impress....
Thanks to the new, highly disease-resistant bedding impatiens summer gardens can once again be filled with these easy-flowering, colourful shade lovers....
South Africa is blessed with indigenous shrubs and trees that create a glorious show in spring. These are a few of our favourite indigenous spring bloomers:
Mass these garden stalwarts in a sunny spot for weeks of cheerful colour
Related to spring flowers: Spring gardening for beginners
The cheerful ...
The gorgeous fresh colour of indoor plants brings a room to life adding a sense of peace and connection with nature.
As a reaction to technology, plants ar...
Cats and dogs need a little grass in their diets especially if they don't spend a lot of time outdoors. Grow these herbs in an accessible spot where your pets can help themselves....
Jane Griffiths shows us how and why to make beneficial insects at home in the garden
A healthy, organic vegetable garden should be alive with activity, buzzi...