There’s so much joy in growing your own sunflowers, whether you’re cutting for the home or leaving them outdoors to shine. Unfortunately, they can also take up ...
As indoor jungles become trendier than ever and every houseplant enthusiast looks to grow their collection, you may quickly realise that owning hundreds of hous...
There are a dozen reasons why you should care about bees, and even more so if you’re an avid gardener. Here's how to make your garden bee friendly...
These s...
As gardeners, we understand the importance of the natural world. Going green in your garden can minimise your carbon footprint while making the proces...
Turnips are one of the oldest vegetables consumed by humans, valued for its nutrient-rich flesh and leaves and versatility in the kitchen. It’s a low-calorie ve...
Hanging houseplants are an often-underutilised urban garden design element. Making use of areas that would be otherwise empty, they immediately make your home f...
What we refer to as bulbs are the underground food storage units that comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. They are also sometimes called tubers, rhizomes or...
For veggie lovers or avid home cooks, choosing what to grow is an arduous process. You may want to grow everything, but it is usually better to whittle down you...
Spring is on the horizon and with that, tons of excitement. But before gardeners get into the full swing of the season, there are a few garden chores to complet...