Imagine walking through a lush forest – a perfectly balanced ecosystem – that you created. Now take that dream and make all the plants in that forest edible, pr...
Peonies near the top of the list of the world’s most beloved cut flowers. Although they can be tricky to grow in South Africa due to their chilly climate requir...
Strelitzia reginae, or the Crane Flower, is unmistakably South African. It looks exotic but is one of the most popular houseplants and fortunately, we can now e...
Nothing says summer better than a bunch of colourful Zinnias. Available in a wide range of happy colours, these summer favourites are a must-grow for any garden...
When you next get an itch to buy some new plants, opt for the DIY option instead – propagation. For your lesson in the essentials of how to propagate plants in ...
For showstoppers in the garden, dinner plate dahlias deliver in spades. These magnificent blooms are the new kids on the block and they ooze sophistication in a...