Although the classic rose bouquet is one of the most famous Valentine’s Day gifts, potted roses are also becoming more popular by the year. Moving away from the fleeting nature of a fresh bouquet, potted roses have a much longer life span, especially when well taken care of. Here’s how to keep the love alive for your potted roses.

Give them some sun

Roses are not shade lovers and need at least 6 hours of direct sun per day to survive and flower. Your recently purchased potted rose has likely been prepped for sale before Valentine’s Day, stuck in shady spots and under fluorescent store lights for several days. Move them to a sunny spot indoors near a north-facing window to keep them happy in the short term.

Keep them watered

Producing flowers takes up a lot of resources for roses, including water. Make sure you keep up the watering routine and don’t forget about the plant, leaving the soil to dry out completely. You should also avoid overwatering – roses don’t like soggy soil. Make sure the excess water drains from the base of the pot to prevent waterlogging.

Don’t fertilize

Potted roses are given a large boost of fertilizer to maximize blooms before sale. That means adding extra fertilizer at this time could damage the roots and actually end up inhibiting growth. Wait a couple of months before you add any more fertilizer to prevent any permanent damage.

Consider moving them outdoors

Although potted roses do look stunning indoors, they won’t grow well there forever. Indoor conditions are not a great match for rose needs, especially when it comes to light and space. They may last a couple of months in a container, but will eventually slow growth and stop producing blooms when they aren’t in the right environment.


When you’ve found a space in your garden, transplant your potted rose outdoors. The space needed will differ depending on the variety you were gifted. As these plants are bred for display and quick sale, not growing in the garden, they may take a while to adjust. Give them the right care and limit stress and your potted rose should establish well to grow in your garden for years to come.

Featured image: Karolina Grabowska via Pexels