No one wants to welcome annoying mosquitoes into their homes. Planting insect-repellent plants might be the best option to keep them at bay. Most insect-repelling plants do so with their natural fragrances, keeping annoying mosquitoes away and introduces wonderful scents throughout your garden.
Marigolds are great in the garden for many reasons. They rank at the top of the list in their ability to repel mosquitos. These easy-to-grow annual flowers emit a smell that deters mosquitoes. The best place to plant them would be close to your patio or entrance to your house to keep the mosquitos out. You can also use them to landscape your garden.

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Lemongrass is widely recognized for its strong scent and is the most commonly used natural ingredient in mosquito repellents. Planting lemongrass in your garden is an excellent way to deter mosquitoes. This grass contains citronella oil, which is a well-known insect repellent with a citrusy aroma that mosquitoes dislike.

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Another great mosquito repellant is rosemary. This herb has a woody scent and is exactly what keeps mosquitoes and other insects away. It does best in hot and dry climates where mosquitoes are prevalent. The oils in this herb interfere with mosquitoes’ sensory mechanisms, deterring them from your home.
This is another plant that makes the environment inhospitable for mosquitoes. It contains a bitter compound called absinthin, which is repulsive to mosquitoes. The compound is extremely bitter, and this bitterness makes mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects not fond of it.

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Mint is a great nontoxic option for repelling mosquitoes. The stronger the aroma, the fewer bugs you’ll encounter. Consider growing it in pots on your patio, where its scent can fill your home. You can also dry the leaves and use them indoors as a natural pest control method.
Keep mosquitoes under control to protect your family from itchy bites this summer.
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