We all know the sadness that sets in when your beautiful bouquet starts to droop and lose all the freshness. An exciting way to preserve your favourite flower blooms is by transforming them into something new and exciting. These four methods may be effective enough to keep your precious flowers.

Air drying flowers

If you want to dry your full bouquet of blooms, air drying is one of the simplest ways to do so. Flowers with thicker stems are better to dry compared to thin-stemmed flowers. The preferred method for air drying is to hang them upside down in a dry place.

Air drying helps because the moisture drains downwards while keeping the stem tips looking full and fresh. For the best results, It is best to hang them one by one to retain the best form and avoid direct sunlight.


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Flower pressing

An age-old method of preserving flowers, pressing is a fantastic way to keep delicate flowers. The pressing method works for flatter flowers and stems. You can D.I.Y your pressing with home methods or get a flower presser.

D.I.Y’ing is the best because you can get the flowers exactly how you personally want them to look. Simply find a heavy object to press it with, viola, and you have perfectly pressed flowers.


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Microwave drying

The microwave method of drying flowers is a viable option if you are short on time and need to dry them quickly. This technique uses the microwave’s heat to evaporate moisture from the flowers.  However, it is important to note that this method is not suitable for all types of flowers; it works best for those with thicker petals. When using the microwave method it’s essential to monitor the flowers closely to prevent overheating.

Resin flower preservation

Preserving dried flowers in resin is an artful way to create a one-of-a-kind keepsake. This unique method looks attractive and very artsy. To preserve your flowers in resin, make sure your flowers are pre-dried first. When dealing with resin, you need to wear protective gear to protect yourself.

Resin Flower preservation

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Mix the resin well before placing your flowers in. Different brands and types of resin will require a different ratio of resin and hardening. With these methods, you should now be ready to preserve your favourite flowers and keep the memories.


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