No matter how small or big your garden is, you can do small things to make a big impact on wildlife. The key to bringing more wildlife into your garden is a safe space with sufficient food.
Here are top tips to make your garden a haven for wildlife.
Attracting wildlife to your garden
You can enjoy the sights and sounds of nature knowing that you’re making a difference by providing for the wildlife.
Plant more tree
Planting more trees or shrubs can be the start to attracting wildlife into your garden space. Trees can provide many other benefits from shade and flooding to fighting climate change. The fruits provided by the trees can host a plethora of animals from squirrels to bees and even many bird species.
If you have a smaller garden space opt for shrubs which can help feed insects and smaller birds.
Create cosy homes
If you want to attract particular species, a ready-made home can look appealing to any wildlife passing through. Birdhouses to bee houses, can be used to attract more wildlife to your garden. The great thing about these is you can choose to buy an animal habitat or have a go at DIYing your own.

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Offer a water source.
Water is crucial for any wildlife. Making some available in your garden could be a lifeline, especially in hot weather. If you are tight in space a small dish can supply ample drinking for any passing wildlife. A
full-sized pond will give many animals the right amount they need, giving amphibians a place to live and breed. This is one of the easiest ways to attract and maintain wildlife in your garden.
Don’t forget about night creatures
There are plenty of wildlife creatures out in your garden at night, even though you’re not awake to see them. Having night-blooming flowers can be helpful, as these release scents that attract pollinating insects. You can also help bats by reducing artificial lighting in your garden. Night garden creatures keep the ecosystem balanced.

Image Credit: Unplash
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