If you are considering adding a monstera as a houseplant, explore the various types available.
Monsteras have become very popular houseplants over the last few years. Their beautiful leaves and easygoing nature make them a great choice for any houseplant owner. Many of the Monstera variations have different colours and leaf traits.
4 Monstera types:
1. Monstera Deliciosa
This classic monstera variety is also called the split-leaf philodendron, but it’s not a philodendron plant. This variation of the monstera plant is one of the most common.
Striking with its dramatic size and large, shiny heart-shaped split leaves it is quite easy to grow. In its natural habitat, this variation can grow very high but indoors it will grow to an average plant height.

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2. Monstera Obliqua
The monstera oblique is one of the rarest varieties of monstera. This version grows very slowly and has large holes in the leaves. It is a rare variation because it can be tricky to care for and propagate.
It requires very attentive care, which is unusual for monsters. The main importance of taking care of the oblique is to ensure the humidity levels in its indoor environment stay high.

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3. Monstera Borsigiana
The monstera borsigiana is essentially a smaller version of the monstera deliciosa. It features large leaves with wide lobes, but while the leaves of the deliciosa can grow quite large and long, the borsigiana’s leaves reach only about half that size. Although they share similarities, the monstera borsigiana grows faster than the deliciosa, although its leaves are smaller and less dramatically shaped.

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4. Mini Monstera
This monstera is smaller than most varieties. The leaves have the characteristic holes of other monstera varieties. The mini monstera grows more like a vine than other varieties, attaching itself to walls and nearby surfaces to climb upward.
The plants are easy to care for and will burn if you leave them in direct sunlight for too long. To keep your mini monstera variation happy just supply it with consistent moisture to match its native growing rate.

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