These trumpet-shaped, vibrant flowers come in different variations. For beginner gardeners, it is a good option to start with the dwarf morning glory variation flower and here’s why.

Dwarf morning glory flowers are indigenous to the Mediterranean regions. They, however, can be well-established outside their native range thriving in various temperate climates. Unlike the other variations, dwarf morning glories are cultivated to be grown in pots.

Dwarf morning glory Called Blue daze, Morning glory also

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How to grow and care for dwarf morning glory

Growing the flowers

These flowers can be cultivated either outside or indoors. For indoor planting dwarf morning glory will thrive in a well-drained pot getting enough sunlight. As the plant grows in the pot, it is important to rotate the pot for an even growth. When potted outdoors these flowers enjoy a sunny spot that accentuates their colourful flowers while ensuring good drainage to avoid root issues.

Dwarf morning glories can also be well cultivated outdoors in the ground. When these flowers are planted in the ground, they benefit from natural sunlight, spreading their beauty and attracting pollinators to your garden. Similar to other variations, these morning glory flowers can be transplanted or propagated.

Blue Dwarf morning glory ground covers

Image Credit: Unsplash

Caring for the dwarf morning flower

The main care requirements for growing dwarf morning glory flowers are pretty simple. The most important one is planting in the right location with well-draining soil. Dwarf morning glories usually prefer acidic soil but can tolerate neutral soil. When growing these gracious dwarf flowers, watering needs to be one of the main priorities. Water regularly when young but once established can tolerate drought.

One of the quickest ways to kill your dwarf morning glory is by overwatering and causing root rot. This flower is happiest and thrives in the summer heat, keeping its humidity and temperature warm enough to bloom. You can feed your flowers around spring and summer when it is warm enough but keep the fertilizer away during the winter.

Gentle blue purple Dwarf morning glory flowers

Image Credit: Pexels

Dwarf morning glory flowers will flourish in garden beds as a low-growing ground cover plant, covering the surfaces of your garden beds.


8 Morning glory varieties to brighten your garden

Feature Image: Pexels