In the eternal battle against garden weeds, many of us are on a quest to discover effective and eco-friendly solutions. While the use of herbicides may offer a quick fix, there is a more natural and sustainable approach: growing the right herbs in your garden. These powerhouse plants not only bring flavour to your culinary creations but also help to keep those unwanted invaders at bay.

Mint (Mentha spicata and others)



Mint is a prolific herb that spreads quickly, forming a dense ground cover that makes it difficult for weeds to take root. Its strong aroma is a natural deterrent for many pests, and it can be used to flavour your favourite dishes or make refreshing teas.

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)



Lemon balm is not only a lovely addition to your garden, but it also helps suppress weeds. Its lush, lemon-scented leaves create a dense mat that inhibits weed growth while attracting pollinators like bees.

Chives (Allium schoenoprasum)



These onion relatives not only add a mild, oniony flavour to your meals but also have a knack for deterring pests and inhibiting weed growth. Their thin, grass-like leaves help fill in garden gaps where weeds might otherwise thrive.

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

rosemary herb (1)


Rosemary is not only a fragrant and flavourful herb but also an effective weed controller. Its woody branches create a dense, low-growing shrub that suppresses weeds around it, making it a valuable addition to garden borders.


Oregano (Origanum vulgare) 



This versatile herb is a natural weed repellent. Its rapid spread and dense foliage create a living mulch, which chokes out competing plants. Plus, you can harvest it to spice up your Italian dishes.

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)



With its low, creeping growth habit, thyme is an excellent choice for weed control in paths and between pavers. This herb is both beautiful and functional, releasing a delightful fragrance when crushed underfoot.

Lavender (Lavandula spp.)



Lavender’s aromatic beauty not only adds elegance to your garden but also repels pests and weeds. Its woody stems and drought-resistant nature make it ideal for weed prevention in sunny spots.

Basil (Ocimum basilicum)



Basil is known for its delicious leaves, but it can also keep weeds at bay. Plant it as a companion to your other garden crops, and it will help deter pests and weed competition.


When growing these herbs for weed control, it’s essential to keep in mind that, like all plants, they require care and attention. Regular pruning and maintenance will help them thrive and continue their weed-fighting mission effectively. By incorporating these herbs into your garden, you can create a beautiful and practical space that not only yields flavourful additions to your culinary adventures but also minimises the need for harmful chemicals and tedious weeding. 



How to make instant compost using your weeds

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