Receiving a beautiful bouquet is always a delight and you want to keep it fresh and cherish it for longer. To help you maintain the beauty and freshness of your flowers these essential hacks will do the trick.

With the warmer days forcing everyone to spend less time at home, the pressure to keep your flowers fresh is now on. With the right tricks and hacks, you won’t have to worry much.

Use clean vases

Before you even unwrap your new bouquet, be sure your vase is clean. Dirty vases can harbour bacteria that can shorten the lifespan of your flowers. A clean vase reduces the risk of bacterial growth, which can clog the stems of your fresh flowers and prevent water absorption. Thoroughly wash your vase before filling it with fresh water.

Trim the stems

Trimming the stems allows your flowers to absorb water more efficiently. When trimming your flower cut an inch of the stems at a 45-degree angle with a nice sharp garden scissor. Doing this helps increase the surface area for water absorption, preventing the stems from sitting flat on the bottom of the vase.

Image for Flower Arrangement/Studio Shot

Image Credit: Unsplash

Change your water regularly

Freshwater provides essential nutrients to the flowers and prevents any chance of bacterial growth. When changing your water, clean the vase and trim the stems again to ensure maximum water absorption on the flowers.

It is a good idea to change the water every 3 to 4 days. Adding a small amount of flower food can help keep the water fresh and maintain its nutrients.

Person adding white flower food powder inside cut flower vase so cut flowers last longer fresh.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Place in a cool area

Proper display can enhance the beauty and longevity of the flowers. Displaying them in a good area helps stop the flowers from wilting faster. Place your flowers in a cool location away from direct sunlight and appliances that generate heat. Flowers mostly prefer moderate temperatures, and keeping them cool will help keeping fresh for longer.

Woman putting bouquet of beautiful tulips in vase on white table indoors, closeup

Image Credit: Unsplash

Flowers are great for adding a pop of colour to your home and by maintaining their freshness, you are improving the overall feel of your home.


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Feature Image: Unsplash