Wasps can be beneficial for pollination and controlling pests, but they can also become a nuisance or even a danger in your garden. Fortunately, there are natural methods to keep them at bay without harming the environment. Here are ten effective ways to deter wasps naturally.

Plant Wasp-Repelling Herbs and Flowers

Wasps dislike the strong scents of certain plants. Growing herbs like:

Mint, basil, thyme, and eucalyptus can help keep them away. Additionally, marigolds, geraniums, and wormwood are excellent choices for deterring wasps due to their pungent odours. 

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Use Essential Oils

Essential oils like peppermint, clove, lemongrass, and citronella are natural wasp repellents. Mix a few drops of any of these oils with water in a spray bottle and apply it around areas where wasps tend to gather, such as outdoor seating areas, doorways, or garden edges.

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Create a Decoy Nest

Wasps are territorial and tend to avoid building nests near another colony. Hanging a fake wasp nest in your garden can discourage them from settling in. You can find ready-made decoy nests or create one using a brown paper bag stuffed with some paper to mimic a wasp nest.


Use Cucumber Slices

Cucumbers are not just for salads – they can also repel wasps. Place slices of cucumber around your garden, especially in areas where you notice wasp activity. The acidity in cucumbers releases a scent that wasps find unpleasant.

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Install Bird Feeders

Certain bird species, like wrens and chickadees, naturally prey on wasps. Attracting these birds to your garden with feeders can help keep the wasp population under control. Just make sure the feeders are placed away from your outdoor dining areas.

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Hang Cloves or Garlic

Wasps dislike the smell of cloves and garlic. Hanging bundles of garlic or cloves in areas where wasps are a problem can act as a deterrent. You can also scatter crushed cloves around your garden to keep them at bay.

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Avoid Sweet Scents and Bright Colours

Wasps are attracted to sweet scents and bright colours. To avoid attracting them, keep sugary foods, drinks, and fragrant plants like roses away from areas where you spend time. If you’re gardening, avoid wearing bright, floral patterns that might catch their attention.


Seal Trash Bins Tightly

Wasps are often drawn to trash bins in search of food. Ensure that your garden’s trash bins are tightly sealed and regularly emptied. If possible, keep them at a distance from your outdoor living areas.


Use Vinegar Traps

Vinegar is an effective natural wasp trap. Mix apple cider vinegar, sugar, and dish soap in a bowl and place it away from your seating areas. The scent will attract the wasps, and once they land in the solution, they won’t be able to escape.

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Keep Fruit Trees and Fallen Fruit Managed

Wasps are attracted to the sweet, sugary juices of ripe or fallen fruits. If you have fruit trees in your garden, regularly harvest ripe fruits and promptly clean up any fallen ones. This will reduce the food sources that attract wasps.


By using these natural methods, you can maintain a wasp-free garden while keeping it eco-friendly and safe for other beneficial insects. With a little planning and a few simple steps, you can enjoy your outdoor space without the buzz of unwanted guests.


Here are the top 3 benefits of having wasps in your garden

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