ArhitectureZA (#AZA18) will be held at 012Central in the Pretoria inner city from 3-5 May 2018.

Presented and hosted by the South African Institute of Architects (SAIA) and co-hosted by the University of Pretoria (UP), this three-day festival comprises two days of conference presentations and one day of tours and masterclasses.

Under the theme ‘WeTheCity: Memory & Resilience’, the #AZA18 programme will focus on issues of design and practice concerning environmental potential, cultural heritage and human settlement – with South African architectural, urban and cultural producers sharing experiences and perspectives with cutting-edge international practices from around the world.

#AZA18 will present a series of inspiring exhibitions including the prestigious international LafargeHolcim Foundation Sustainable Construction Awards for the Africa Region; UP’s Department of Architecture 75th Birth Year exhibition; an Urban+Trans+Formation exhibition; the Corobrik SAIA Awards of Excellence & Merit; the Ceasarstone Competition exhibition; and the PPC Imaginarium and Fuch’s Students’ Competitions exhibitions.

Book your place at

Twitter: @architectureZA ‏ (#AZA18)

