Time to get creative with wallpaper that’s no longer just for walls! These simple DIYs will have you doing more than you thought with less than you need.
Trying to fit larger, more cumbersome appliances into a smaller kitchen space can cause endless frustration. But the thing is, those days are over – or, at leas...
My home feels too summery for the transition to autumn, but I also don’t want to spend a ton of money on new autumn decor. Should I change my home de...
A ‘painting a day’, back in 2013, was the aim for Lorraine Loots, miniaturist artist, wife and mom. That ‘small project’ 365 Paintings for Ants launched a caree...
Although it may still be warm outside in most parts of South Africa, March signals the start of a change in seasons. Prepare your home for autumn with these 13 ...
Home decoration has a massive impact on how you perceive your space. Not only does it enhance the look and feel, but also plays a role in expressing your person...
Lighting is an often overlooked consideration when styling and designing a room. But, it can have a massive impact on the feel of a space at the times they are ...
Kitchen renovations can often be a pricey exercise, especially if you're someone who has been accused of having expensive taste. Luckily, there are a few workar...
Overhead kitchen cabinets have been a design staple for decades. But this year, it seems interior decorators are ditching this trend in favour of a few more int...
Fresh flowers are favourite decor items throughout the year, but are given special attention in February. If you want to up your fresh flower game and spruce up...