If you’re looking for ways to make your Christmas unique, here are a few easy DIY ideas to personalise your Christmas decor…
More ways to personalise your Christmas decor: Make your own Christmas crackers
Make it prettier with paint
Using acrylic paint or leftover house paint, give store-bought Christmas baubles a personal touch by painting the name of loved ones, Christmas sayings, or words like ‘joy’ on the bauble, or simply add pretty patterns.
You might also like: Make your own wrapping paper using foliage
Read more: 3 DIY festive wreaths
Winning with wreaths
Make your own Christmas wreaths or add greenery and Christmas decorations to plain wreaths to give them a new and unique look. If you have a few wreaths, create a feature by displaying them as a collection.
Remember when
Reminisce a bit by turning family photos into Christmas decor.
Use craft glue to stick copies of family photos onto Christmas baubles, round woodcut slices or DIY cardboard cutout flat Christmas baubles. Add an optional wash of colour paint or glitter and seal with a clear varnish.
You could also personalise Christmas stockings, advent calendars, and wreaths with family photos.
Make a Christmas tree from copper piping
The post 3 Ways to personalise your Christmas decor appeared first on All4Women.

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