Are you passionate about wildlife or excited about looking after the environment? Why not try volunteering programs initiating the protection and conservation of wildlife? Here are a few volunteering programs to look out for.


Join the “Treevolution” with Greenpop! This organization is on a mission to plant trees and make communities across Sub-Saharan Africa greener. Greenpop focuses mainly on forest restoration, urban greening, food gardening, and environmental awareness. Founded in 2010, the organization has planted over 200,000 trees across Sub-Saharan countries.

They work to restore ecosystems and promote environmental awareness. If you’re interested in volunteering and getting your hands dirty with this great opportunity, Greenpop is the perfect place for you!

 People holding plants growing in soil for conservation

Image Credit: Unsplash

Soil for Life

Soil for Life is a public benefit organisation, that teaches people how to grow their food and improve their health and well-being while protecting the environment. Founded in 2002, this remarkable organisation has trained over 8,250 people on how to grow wholesome food using natural methods.

Natural methods that build healthy soil and continue improving biodiversity. Soil for Life provides training and support to community food-growing projects which sustain their gardens. 


The South African National Parks is a governmental organisation that takes pride in conserving and protecting national parks and other protected areas throughout the country.

Their responsibilities include managing and preserving wildlife, promoting tourism, enhancing visitor experiences, and even providing educational opportunities. Volunteering for this program would be an excellent way to contribute to the protection of South Africa’s stunning national parks.

The beautiful national parks of South Africa SANParks

Image Credit: Pexels

Save Foundation

This non-profit organisation focuses on responsible volunteering projects that work with communities based on their needs, priorities, and aspirations, with sustainability in mind. Their main objective is to enhance, train, and empower communities while also working to preserve conservation areas and rehabilitate wildlife.

Since its inception in 2006, the organisation has expanded to different African countries and supports over 30 projects that align with their ideologies. These projects range from conservation development to sustainable community outreach initiatives.


Responsible volunteering projects that are based on and aim at supplying needs, priorities and aspirations to communities are worthwhile. Go ahead and be part of changing the world little by little.


Cultivating sustainable communities through nutritious gardens with Soil for Life

Feature Image: Unsplash