Trying to move away from the traditional seed-starting method? Then soil blocking is the method to go for. It is also an easy and efficient way to start seeds indoors. Here is a guide on how you can get started:
What is soil-blocking?
This is one of the sustainable methods of seed starting, as it helps eliminate the need for pot usage. Soil blocking helps promote stronger root development in your seeds. The seed roots and plants do much better than being root-bound into pot trays. This helps the plants grow lusciously and healthier.
When cultivated indoors, these soil blocks not only are healthier but also so much healthier and ready to spread their roots once you get them transplanted into the garden. An added advantage of soil blocking is, that a seedling that’s grown in the soil block doesn’t have to be pushed or pulled to come out of the pot because its entire soil block can be easily planted.

Image Credit: Unsplash
How to soil block
If you are interested in soil blocking, here’s how you can go about it:
1. Be sure to prepare your soil with a pre-made soil block mix. You can create your own mix or buy a pre-made mix.
2. Your soil block needs to be moist but not overly wet. Just add water to the mix until it holds together before planting your seeds.
3. Make small indentations in the soil blocks to fit the seeds. Alternatively, follow the instructions if you purchase a pre-made mix.
4. With the right growing conditions, such as water, adequate light, and warmth, your seeds will start to germinate easily. Be sure not to water-log your blocks.
What are the advantages of soil-blocking
- Environmentally friendly
- Healthy seed growth
- Space-saving
- Cost-effective
- You don’t need to buy lots of little plastic pots

Image Credit: Unsplash
Feature Image: Unsplash