Keeping your home tidy is essential for a comfortable living space. Even with organised cabinets and closets, small design mistakes can make your home feel cluttered. Here are 10 tips to help you create a visually stunning and organised home.

10 tips for making your home look less messy:

1. Minimise accent pillows

Accent pillows add colour and pattern to your room, but too many can make it look busy and untidy. Stick to a few quality pillows to keep the space looking chic and clean.

2. Maximise natural lighting

Dark rooms can feel cramped and uninviting. Use natural light to your advantage by keeping windows unobstructed. In rooms with limited natural light, choose light and neutral furnishings to brighten the space.

10 design tips that may help making your home look less messy


3. Use proper curtain lengths

Short curtains can make your room look smaller and awkward. Ensure your curtains reach the floor to create a more elegant and cohesive look.

4. Avoid overstuffing rooms

Large furniture in a small room can be overwhelming. Choose appropriately sized furniture and avoid pushing all pieces against the walls to allow natural flow through the room.

5. Pay attention to textiles

Neatly arranged textiles make a big difference. Ensure slipcovers fit well, fold throw blankets neatly, and fluff throw pillows regularly for a tidy appearance.

10 design tips that may help making your home look less messy


Read more: 5 Unique ways to keep your home tidy

6. Organise your entryway

The entryway is the first thing guests see. Keep it inviting and functional. A good tip is to choose a rug that hides dirt, like a dark-coloured one, to keep the area looking clean.

7. Tidy up cables and tech gear

Cables and cords can make a room look cluttered. Hide them by tucking the TV into an armoire or using cable organisers. Create a gallery wall around the TV to minimise its impact.

10 things that may be making your home look messy


8. Choose the right rug size

A properly sized rug can make a room feel larger and more polished. Investing in a larger rug that fits your space well is worth it for a clean and pulled-together look.

9. Arrange wall decor thoughtfully

A well-organised gallery wall adds colour and interest. Measure and arrange your art and photos in a tidy layout to avoid a chaotic look.

10. Limit the number of colours

While vibrant colours are appealing, too many can overwhelm a space. Choose a mix of complementary shades and patterns for a harmonious and balanced look.

10 things that may be making your home look messy


By following these tips, you can transform your home into a more organised and visually pleasing space. Small adjustments can make a big difference in achieving a clean and stylish environment.


ALSO SEE: How to mix and match throw pillows to elevate your home style

How to mix and match throw pillows to elevate your home style

Feature image: Pexels